MiniEight and MicorEight
& MicroEight
These figure 8s have side ears that let you easily vary the friction,

New Products

Product Introductions are listed here, with the
most recent product listed first

rockD Carabiner

The nicest D in the world. Strong, our usual high inward strength, big gate opening, all our various locking systems and even a non-locking version.

Mini & Micro Figure 8's

The most exotic and versatile 8's you've ever used. Super light with several ways to vary friction to suit many different rope sizes.

rockD & rockO with Lanyard Pin

Captive eye versions of these popular biners keep things where they should be and prevent cross-loading.

SwivaBiner with Swivel Eye

This is a ball bearing swivel with a carabiner on one end.


Two carabiners connected by a swiveling joint.

Shackle Swivel

It might be nice to connect a swivel directly to something...

rockO Carabiner

We bring the oval carabiner into the 21st century.

rockSteel Carabiner

Meets NFPA and the new ANSI standard in a beautiful and light design.

Bi-Wire Carabiner

A new take on wiregate biners.

Aztek Pulley System

Super versatile compact 4:1 system.


Combining a pulley with a swivel, this became an instant hit.

Grappler Folding Grappling Hook

Everybody wants one, especially Batman. Don't storm a castle without it.

Machined Pulleys

A total rethinking of pulleys design. Stronger, lighter, totally flush axles.

Prusik Minding Pulley

The full size PMP, a little stronger and lighter, with loser profile axle compared to the classic original.


The coolest belay biner ever made.,


We've made lots of rigplates and these Improved designs are the best yet.


Swivels have an incredible number of uses. We updated our orignal design by changing the original triangular shape to be more rounded. But then we still had many requests for the triangular versions. So we make both and we also have a new, very nice small swivel.

The Wall Hauler is Back

This is the original very popular camming pulley and we still get lots of requests for it.

World's First NFPA Aluminum Carabiners

Years ago it occurred to us that just maybe not everyone wanting the NFPA "G" rating (41kN) wanted to haul around heavy steel carabiners. We thought it would be possible to make aluminum biners that would be strong enough. We suggested it years ago to the company we made carabiners for, but they didn't think those users cared about weight. When we became independant, we approached CMC with the idea and they loved it. We introduce a big ladder hook carabiner and FDNY quickly becomes the biggest user. Compared to the dated steel biner it replaced, ours is 1 lb. lighter, rappels better and has a much better autolock system. We follow this up with a normal size "G" rated aluminum biner. It instantly becomes the standard for many teams.

A New Vortex

We redesigned the Vortex tripod, giving it many new features refined by years of user experience with the original.